Monday, March 23, 2009

Miraculous Monday

So it's a miracle I am posting today given the fact that for the past 30 minutes i was trying every password know to man to log into my blog. This is just part of my life as a small biz owner, failing to write things down because I swear i'll remember, then forgetting because I have too much on my mind! Sometimes, post-its just don't cut it.

Today was wildly productive as I did tons of sales and media outreach. As a former journalist, I am hoping that my attempts to save journos times sifting though a long press release (lord knows i hated reading uneventful press releases to get to the point in the last paragraph) and instead providing the nuts and bolts of my label in a brief friendly email, gets me and K&P in their favor! Go nuts and bolts! I also managed to cook 3 healthy meals today and line up a factory visit next week in New York to see if production can work in the Big Apple! I hope so since I am a native New Yorker and if something goes wrong on their end, I am much more apt to just jump in the car and scream at whoever is to blame. That seems much more productive and time efficient than having to fed-ex my emotional breakdown to a galaxy far, far away. At least it sounds better in my head!

I did hear back from a major plus-size woman's magazine today which is considering profiling some of my clothes. A toast to that (am raising my hot cocoa mug in the air). And that was my day. Between cleaning my files and shredding paper that was taking over my coffetable, sales and media emails and walking poor Oni (i say poor because since I've been home doing the biz full time she has reverted to her puppy days of sappy, needy faces-a sad sight for a 7 year old, 70lb lab), I get to go to go to sleep knowing that I continue on my way, with a bigger foot in a magazine's door and footsteps in stores nationwide. That calls for a smile!

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