Monday, June 22, 2009

Capitalize on Strengths, Strengthen weaknesses

I have a confession--I never used to jump for joy for a speaking opp...until I owned my own business. It was always comfortable to lay low, have fun and not draw too much attention. But boy are things changing. I am in the process of joining Toastmasters, the international group dedicated to improving one's public speaking skills and boost speaking confidence. My first meeting was last week and I received my first compliment--that I didn't even seem nervous delivering my first impromptu, unrehearsed speech. I knew otherwise though :-) To own a business, you have to get out, to be just as comfortable with a group of 15 than a group of 1. I identified a weakness and am conquering it, with a strength--seeking knowledge and self-improvement. In this climate, you have to maximize your exposure and just not be good enough at something but be great! My business deserves it. To succeed in my business, I owe it to myself to ensure my oral delivery is engaging, dynamic, clear and informative as I communicate to buyers, customers and entrepreneurs alike. What's your weakness? How can you fix it with one of your strengths?

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