Thursday, August 13, 2009

How horrible of me-going blog awol

If anyone would have told me that starting your own business and fashion label was going to be a situation where every minute of your working day was occupied-i would have looked at the funny. I thought when I was a journalist, the memories of which are fading away so quickly, that things were busy. A complete lie. Today, I wake at 6am and will probably work until midnite...Doing what you ask-following up with stores, counting inventory, updating site--my estore opens tomorrow--whoohooo!!!! i also have to prepare shipments to store, do my accounting, etc. Yesterday -bless my husband-he helped me organize boxes of inventory while trying to not have a heart arttack. He's very tidy, being a former Marine and when he saw hundreds of tops on my office floor-he began to turn red and sweat. I had to hide my laughter at his obvious discomfort. but we organized it and now it's on shelves. A triumph of sorts!

So we just got back from Stylemax in chicago where there was plenty of interest in K&P-we got a number of buyers and great leads. Our tradeshow neighbor Juliana says that sometimes all you need is exposure and she's right. Exposure can lead to soo much! It was a week of firsts-our first time to chicago, and our first arrival to a store-Vive La Femme in the windy city! an amazing boutique with so much character and there....we saw our first 2 tops get sold at a trunk show celebrating the arrival of the K&P line there! amazing, amazing feeling!!! we took pictures, we ate, we laughed! we had a great time!

Now prepping is underway for wwin in vegas-our second and last appearance this year. and we wrapped up our spring sample making so we'll have that to show...everything is coming full circle... and I'm going to make time to blog more-it soothes my stressed nerves and helps keep me accountable!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Being the best- ATribute to Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson

It was a sad week. Losing Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson in the same day was heartbreaking. I thought Farrah was a complete beauty and her hair and smile just amazing. Her performance in "The Burning Bed" was jarring. I remember her convincing portrayal-I was just 7 when the movie came out but it made an impression. Michael Jackson changed society, left his mark everywhere. There not a performer alive who doesn't want to captivate or thrill an audience like he did. He was in a league of his own. He was the best and today his passing made me think about pushing ourselves past our limits. Bringing innovation and thrill into all aspects of our lives: New ideas, peak performance, maximizing connections, excellent customer service. Michael dared to be the best. And we should dare to be our own best. Just when we think we can't, we must. Musically, Michael kept himself to an amazing standard and so should we. As entrepreneurs, we should be bringing 100% to each job-related task. Our business is Michael's music. This week I also saw Beyonce in concert. Amazing. I told my husband during the concert, completely inspired by her giving her all to her fans, to never allow me to say I'm tired, say I give up or say I can't. Not that those words are often used in my vocabulary, but when you run your own thing, you can sometimes see things as overwhelming or limited but those are illusions. The only limits there are the ones we put on ourselves-we allow them, they are not forced. The world seems a little different without Farrah or Michael and I feel a new sense of strength to be more daring, faithful in all that I'm doing. they pushed the envelope, they pushed society. Who though a show about 3 female agents would become a pop hit? And Michael from Gary, Indiana and one of 10 kids--becoming the king of Pop was something he strived for. It wasn't given to him. He earned it. Every accolade. Every hit. Is your business at the top of its game? What can you do to move it there? Are you bring 100% to your business day in day out? What are your standards and can they be higher? Are you your own Beyonce? We all need to be. Farrah, Michael, They're were their own bosses doing their own thing. Their standards were amazing. Beyonce-I once read that Beyonce's warmup is running 4 miles.That's how she gets ready for her day-to take on the world. Now I'm not saying run 4 miles tomorrow-but what I am saying is push yourself to be the best. M&F did it and B does it. What's your warmup?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Capitalize on Strengths, Strengthen weaknesses

I have a confession--I never used to jump for joy for a speaking opp...until I owned my own business. It was always comfortable to lay low, have fun and not draw too much attention. But boy are things changing. I am in the process of joining Toastmasters, the international group dedicated to improving one's public speaking skills and boost speaking confidence. My first meeting was last week and I received my first compliment--that I didn't even seem nervous delivering my first impromptu, unrehearsed speech. I knew otherwise though :-) To own a business, you have to get out, to be just as comfortable with a group of 15 than a group of 1. I identified a weakness and am conquering it, with a strength--seeking knowledge and self-improvement. In this climate, you have to maximize your exposure and just not be good enough at something but be great! My business deserves it. To succeed in my business, I owe it to myself to ensure my oral delivery is engaging, dynamic, clear and informative as I communicate to buyers, customers and entrepreneurs alike. What's your weakness? How can you fix it with one of your strengths?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Scream loud and proud-I’m in business! People are listening

Days after arriving from beautiful St. Lucia! It’s insanely gorgeous! I rested. I relaxed. I geared up. Time to play ball.
Blogging from the fashion capital of the world –at least my NY-centric world. Attended a fab workshop this week on the coming color trends – always gotta stay a little ahead of the game and grab knowledge where you can. That’s one aspect of business ownership I love-asking questions, getting information-my past media training helps with that-I ask, ask, ask, soaking up what I can. My husband always says “If you don’t ask, then the answer is automatically no.” Today I saw proof of that-A few years ago, when I left my first media gig to pursue other opps I freelanced for a Capitol Hill newspaper. I loved it, I really got to seek out and develop stories and follow up with any developments! I got to own stories there. I was there a few months before I moved on to another political publication and ultimately to the Capitol itself working for Rep. Charles Rangel of NY. They always remembered my story of forward movement-freelancer to hill staffer and held it up as an inspiration to other interns-I learned that today when I contacted them about possible interest in running something about Kingley&Posh and how a hill staffer is now pursuing her (my) first love of passion. So to make a long story short-they’re running something in an upcoming issue! How great is that? We live in a helpful world. Don’t you on a daily basis feel the urge to help? Others feel it too. Don’t underestimate others' helpfulness. That’s the lesson for today.
Second lesson! Set deadlines and take tiny steps daily to meet them. Working to submit my business plant, took discipline and diligence and pacing myself. The plan itself had plenty of parts and I had to complete everything thoroughly. I working to amp my organization skills and giving organization a higher priority for me. Sometimes I’ve taken pride in accomplishment amid paper chaos but no longer is accomplishment an excuse to forgive not accessing/using organization tools to make life easier. It’s time to organize our lives. Our businesses will thank us!
OK I have an early bus tomorrow heading back to DC and then off to a great weekend where my two baby nieces, Marisol and Aliana get baptized. They’re the female business owners of tomorrow-I can feel it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I know, I know...

I'm a horrible blooger...but atleast i admit my faults up front...It's not so much that I'm a horrible blogger but I need some help looking time management and balance. As a business owner, I tend to focus ALOT on the business and some other things fall by the waistside but am learning how to better balance my time so that's forward movement right? well one of the reasons I hadn't blogged in a while is...drumroll please....I was working on my business plan, or should i say, finishing it! AAAhhh i see the clouds in the sky parting...:-) but wait there's more...It was also submitted to the bank! yep yep! did you hear that! the bank has it and is reviewing it! how's that for forward movement. Thanks so much to SBA's SCORE, I was able to make it shine, add more elements and make it really strong. If you're thinking of starting your own biz and have made alot of progress in the sense you know what you want to do, have some relative experience in it and know the direction you want to go in, make an appointment to chat! They have a wealth of knowledge and are there to help. They are volunteers who ran their own businesses so they know how best to help you!

What else-wrapped up all my Spring/Summer 2010 designs and I finally did my first magazine shoot here in VA-that was a blast and the spread which might also be featured as the cover story runs next month. Hey if I was away from blogging, atleast I was productive with my time. I'm also going to participate in the first ever Full-figure fashion week in NYC next month! June is going to be a busy time so good thing....I am leaving today with hubby to an undisclosed location to spend the weekend! He won't tell me where we're going but it's going to be nice, secluded and far away!!! Will touch base when i return and I promise to do more blogging!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Score, Sales, and Fabric Oh My!

I seem to have dug myself out of insane busyness that has been the past 2 weeks. Between meeting with SCORE (phenomenal meetings I must say) , adding new stores to my roster (whoohoo) and running around the DC metro area securing fabric for the Spring/Summer 2010 collection (gotta love the rain-our local streams and rivers definitely needed it) I am finally breathing. Let’s recap!
If you’re a new business and you haven’t taken advantage of SCORE-you’re missing a great, FREE resource. SCORE is the SBA’s program that matches you with a mentor in your field to help you with your vision, business plan, accounting, etc. You name it, they can help point you in the right direction. They have a local DC office and offices all over the DMV area. Check them out. I am almost done with my plan. Just need to do my financials.
I am hoping to lock two more stores to carry my fall line-one in Chicago, another in Seattle. With the recession, some stores are hesitant to spend money. Life can’t stop because money’s a little tight. As an entrepreneur I definitely value money but and as a business owner I also understand the philosophy you have to spend money to make money. It’s one foot in front of the other ya know. And we’re all in this together. Businesses help out other businesses. As my mom says, through talking, people understand each other. So talk to your customers and clients-see what’s on their minds and see what they think you can do better.
Did you happen to see a champagne-colored SUV zip madly through the streets yesterday? That was me making the dash for fabrics for my S/S 2010 collection. It’s partly my fault. I was making decisions late in the game as to what colors I wanted and the types of fabric. I got it all so no worries. It required a lot of thought and for my husband and mom, a lot of patience as I made decisions regarding colors sound like life or death. They were incredibly helpful but sometimes we all have to remember: your emergency isn’t everyone else’s.
Mother’s Day Plans? Since my mom’s birthday is also next week, am looking into when I can get away for a few days to NYC…Enjoy your moms and every other special woman in your life.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

Remember that song we learned in grade school? You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey? Well as business owners, we can’t rely on others to be our sunshine. We are our own sunshine. Trust me sometimes I know it’s challenging to maintain not only momentum but motivation (today I thought the kitchen was going to explode and I was running late to a meeting-more on that later) but we have to do whatever it takes to bring 1000% of energy and focus to the business and get into that state. Whether it’s working out first thing (like I did this am-my arms will thank me later), approaching the day with positive energy, and budgeting time and tasks effectively, our days are what we make of them. That’s why we went into business for ourselves right? So we can do what we love and be more in charge.
Sometimes we depend on others to validate ourselves and what we do. That can be dangerous and that is what seems to be happening with the recession. Some people lose their jobs and feel themselves lost regardless of whether they liked what they did. In these cases, our identities are tied to our jobs, not our passions, and when others see fit, jobs and positions are eliminated. Our identities should be tied to what we hold sacred to our values. For me my identity is tied to my own self worth and in turn my marriage, my family, my home and my health, my passions and hobbies and friends are paramount to me. Jobs come and go but health is important. I am just reinforcing this as I continue to monitor my fitness levels ie damn cholesterol in addition to my eating habits. When we get stressed we,[I] should have never been okay with reaching for the quickest, while unhealthy thing to eat (damn Doritos). I am learning to budget my time better and make priorities and my health-it’s number 1. That’s why I am working out daily and limiting the “no” foods per my doc.
And that brings me back to my kitchen almost exploding today. Hubby swore the dish I was making would take 25 minutes. Why, given that I started at 4:15, I was scarfing it down when it was ready at 5:40 when I had to be down at old town @ 6:30 in rush hour for my Ladies who Launch meeting? Food was everywhere and hubby was due to walk in any minute and he couldn’t find a mess and I was going crazy. But it was okay. I made the mess and I had to clean it up and I did, grabbed my purse and jetted! Got there on time and met some awesome leaders. And the best part of it all-dinner was made, kitchen was clean and the business was back on my priority radar and it was me who was the mechanical engineer behind it all. I took charge and made it happen so if you need something done for your business: Do it yourself/ Find out who can do it/ Give yourself a goal for when it should be done/Work consistently at accomplishing the goal.
The highlight of my day, besides the LWL meeting (they rock by the way) I made it to my local newspaper in NYC. Check out the link to the right. Mom just called. She loved the piece, along with my dad and brothers and sister! It’s awesome making their day and knowing that tonite, those closest to me have a smile on their faces because they believe in me! Go forward movement!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring into it!

Wow! What a week-I signed up for the Ladies Who Launch biz incubator and I can definitely say it was an amazing experience. If you’re constantly behind your computer working 12-18 hr days, get out now. I knew it was important to get out and meet people in similar positions of launching business but I don’t think it’s important anymore-it’s vital to not only to your growth and sanity but to that of your business too! Take a business class, join a business network. If you’re a lady, join LWL-if you’re a man, ask your wife, girlfriend, sister, friend coworker who’s in LWL how it went-you’re sure to learn something. A plant can’t grow without air. And a plant shouldn’t grow without other plants growing around it!
So am just catching up from a few days focused on the incubator. Amazingly enough, hours away from my computer and email did not cause the world to end. I think I grew more for my business away from the business than I did at my computer working on my business, if that makes sense. Hubby of course was super supportive of it all. It’s amazing how lucky I am. He’s also going to school to get his engineering degree so if you have someone important in your life giving you support, make sure you’re taking care of them to.
The weekend is the weekend to get organized and wrap up my biz plan to take to SCORE. If you haven’t met with them, make an appointment now. Look for the local chapter and make an appointment if only to chat. I need help with numbers. So make a list of what you need help with and they’ll match you with someone who’s been there done that. A mentor! How great is that.
And follow me on twitter @ Kingleyandposh. I’m having more fun on it than I thought. STAY CONNECTED. Yes your biz is important but life still is happening all around you. Don’t miss out on exercising, enjoying the beautiful weather, catching up with friends and family. Your business will be there when you get back!
Off to get some lunch and work on my biz plan-outside! It’s too gorgeous of a day to miss out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Out from Under-the tale of an accounting survivor

I’ve finally dug myself out from under days of catching up on my accounting. One of many newbie businesses fail is because of messy books so I vowed very early on to keep receipts of everything and to track all my spending-anything from my $.10 copies to my $4000 tradeshow fees. Last Thursday, I ate nothing from 11am to 8pm because I had become one with the calculator, and it was not letting me eat. It paid off though-there’s nothing like going to bed at night knowing you know every single cent that left your business and you can account for it not only to you but your family and bankers. It’s just a little challenging when you wear so many hats. Days consist of time slots for media outreach, design, letting people know you’re alive via email and phone calls, following up with sales calls and then carving out time to consolidate all your efforts into a business plan you hope others see just as viable as you! This morning I let Oni hear my elevator pitch. She liked it so I gave her a treat! She knows when she hears a good thing.

A huge thank you to all the media that is super stoked about K&P. The support means the world to me. On the flipside I did last week get my first cold-shoulder from a blogger who shall remain nameless because they’re too frivolous to be named. I came across an online plea to profile upcoming designers so humility aside, I introduced myself in an email. She flat out told me she wasn’t looking to profile plus-size fashion-just mainstream. What is that supposed to mean? Ignorance is bliss. For me, fashion is fashion and a size 2 woman can be just as fashionable as a size 16. Regardless, I just wanted to share because all business will come across a jab now and again and you just have to not let it sting. As a very sweet consolation price, I was mentioned on Wall Street Journal’s website in a story about reinventing yourself. Whoohoo for K&P! Check out the piece if you can!

Now I have to turn my attention over to my Spring 2010 collection! It’s pretty much done…in my head. Just gotta get it on paper and tweak some design elements. I have to have that ready for my next tradeshow in August. Biz plan almost done to present to the SBA next week. Exciting stuff. It’s time to push to the next level! But first, a bike ride. Can’t forget my cardio!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Didn't know fire could burn

I love that saying. My husband introduced it to me yesterday. It’s the thought of people saying and doing things thinking you’ll be impressed or they’ll win your good favor but you’re really dumbfounded because what they’ve done or said is actually idiotic or quite odd and they don’t know it…Perfect example follows:

People skills-some people have them. Some people don’t. Scratch that. Some people have them, most people don’t. When you launch a business, the universe presents you with opportunities. The opp to grow, the opp to be creative, the opp to make money and the opp to meet people. Sometimes you meet great people-sometimes you don’t. I came across a marketing company that seemed super eager to learn about me and help me and when I proceeded to chat with them yesterday, the entire conversation revolved around their resume. Don’t get me wrong-I want to hear your expertise. But interest in me and my vision and allowing me to speak would be cool, too. I present a recap of the conversation :

Them: Our campaigns have appeared here, here, here (lasted for 5 minutes)/Me: Wow great, it sounds like we can really work (interrupted-after 3 seconds)/Them: and we know this, this, and this (5 minutes/me: you seem very well-versed…Interrupted after 2 seconds)/Them: this is what we do and why people think we’re experts (5 min.)./me (thinking): this conversation is going nowhere and why would I want to work with a group that is self-centered and can’t even hold a normal conversation? Who’d want to work with you? You know how it ended. They heard my uncle tone and a tad bit of respect.

On the upside—and I think the above story is part of the upside because as an entrepreneur and biz owner you meet tons of people and some propel you forward and some want to hold you back and take your money-you have to make the decision and sometimes you have to make it quick. Related news…I am expected a couple of newspapers to mention the line next week. My mom has warned again singing haleluia too quickly so once I see news of K&P published, that is when I’ll celebrate!

I’ve teamed up with a local group of biz ladies for an extensive 2 week “kinda focus on me and my biz” workshop. Today was the first nite and it went awesome. When you team up with local women who know where you’re coming from, sometimes ideas just keep popping into you head even after you’ve left.

I still have to get to my biz plan! It’ll be done before tax day!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Departure Eve

In the midst of packing for VA. It was really an energizing trip. Between, Max, our toy dog, looking at me like he know me from a past life, mom’s hearty meals (sorry hubby there are no pernil porkshoulders leftovers and Caso Cerrado on Telemundo (more on that later), I managed to do all my media and store outreach and make major progress on my Spring 2010 collection (applause, applause, thank you, thank you, you’re far too kind). Next thing to tackle, the business plan to be done by Sunday midnite. If not, I am on dinner duty for the week-Hubby’s already placing menu requests!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New York! New York!

Day 4 of the Big Apple! Amazingly I am still here. I should be heading back today, but the editors of the magazine that's shooting my clothes have had to postpone due to deadlines. No worries. I am home and one of the awesome things of being your own boss is that you can work wherever without someone who's probably on some acid trip breathing down your throat asking when you're coming back, where this oh-so-important file is (that's the only reason of course they'd bother you away from the office -- for that oh-so important file full of nothingness) and having their own nervous breakdown because without you there they have to work or look busier. Oh you smell that--it's freedom on the road to financial indepence and security--and you're building that road.

So I went to my Bronx factory on Monday. It was really impressive. My dad came with me to lend his expertise of all his years in the textile industry. The facilities are great and the price is right but however I am still a little hesitant. Maybe because production is around the corner and I am hitting stores relatively soon..okay I'm postpoing my doubtful state until I've had breakfast. Freaking out is much more efficient on a full belly.

When I do get home to VA it's spring cleaning time. My hubby Oscar (hell of a guy and just an angel) has been patient with my growing number of work stations (one on the sofa, one in the kitchen, and one in the study) so I am going to make him proud with my cleaning prowess when I get home. Have to buy a mini file cabinet to better organize things and just rid of the paperwork i swear makes me feel warm and fuzzy at nite just knowing it's there (but knowing deep down in my soul it serves no real purpose.

Also it's time to get my exercise routine tattoed on my forehead. Hubby read my physical results over the phone to me last night and my cholesterol is borderline. Not ideal for a 32-year-old so I am fixing that. What is the point of getting you groove on with your biz if your health is less than ideal? I rather be alive and making it than dead and rich so I've decided to become a gym nut and make the recommended changes to my diet. No more junk! And my inspiration besides hubby, biz, Oni and Sifu? My mom told me Sunday when I arrived that she's off her diabetes meds and feeling like a million bucks! Can I get an amen! I'm ecstatic and ready to kick my butt into shape.

So here's to a day of following up with stores, cleaning my database, and cont'd media outreach and whatever else in between! but first some fruit!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My dog ate my week

It’s just like getting off the ferris wheel, feeling a little dizzy and disoriented, but realizing its 3 days later after when you got on. Where did my week go? Since my last posting, I’ve been literally spinning with sales calls and doing media outreach! All with success! A few new stores lined up to buy the collection and a some others want more information! Fantastic! I’ve begun compiling an awesome media list and outreaching to area reporters. So far so great! The response has been great. This is what small business has to do in the climate. We have to keep trekking and trying a variety of things to promote business.

Today was a milestone also on the personal level. I dragged my butt to my long-awaited, and long rescheduled physical. Three vials of blood later, I was squeamish after seeing my blood be removed. For some odd reason, I can’t take the sight of blood leaving my body. Call me nutty, but I like my fluids in my body.

On a related note, my little brother (the apple of my eye and a soon-to-be doc) is recovering after a serious ear infection. He anxiously awaits my arrival in NYC Sunday. Next Monday I have a factory visit scheduled to scope out the possibility of producing in the Big Apple as opposed to California (see previous post).

Hubby treated me to dinner tonight. That was great! We went to Pollo Ranchero on route 1, a longtime fave spot of ours. We caught up on the week over Peruvian chicken, ceviche, and chips and salsa (delish). We discussed the possibility of a vacation either in May or August. Since I’m lining up sales through May, August may be the most realistic approach. Towards the end of the date, I had to apologize because I was talking incoherently, due to the syndrome of toomuchonminditis. I swear I had no drinks. I remember telling him “You’re going to have to learn what I mean because I don’t always know what I’m saying.” He looked bewildered. He’ll be okay! Sometimes 20 things are going to on in my head at the same time full-speed ahead. Tomorrow nite will be super cool since his company offered him box seats to the Wizards vs Pistons. Whoohooo-a nice relaxing evenings with hubby! Can I ask for anything else?

Actually yes—a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will consist of errands, work, work, work, packing for NYC and anticipation for the game! Go Wizards!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Miraculous Monday

So it's a miracle I am posting today given the fact that for the past 30 minutes i was trying every password know to man to log into my blog. This is just part of my life as a small biz owner, failing to write things down because I swear i'll remember, then forgetting because I have too much on my mind! Sometimes, post-its just don't cut it.

Today was wildly productive as I did tons of sales and media outreach. As a former journalist, I am hoping that my attempts to save journos times sifting though a long press release (lord knows i hated reading uneventful press releases to get to the point in the last paragraph) and instead providing the nuts and bolts of my label in a brief friendly email, gets me and K&P in their favor! Go nuts and bolts! I also managed to cook 3 healthy meals today and line up a factory visit next week in New York to see if production can work in the Big Apple! I hope so since I am a native New Yorker and if something goes wrong on their end, I am much more apt to just jump in the car and scream at whoever is to blame. That seems much more productive and time efficient than having to fed-ex my emotional breakdown to a galaxy far, far away. At least it sounds better in my head!

I did hear back from a major plus-size woman's magazine today which is considering profiling some of my clothes. A toast to that (am raising my hot cocoa mug in the air). And that was my day. Between cleaning my files and shredding paper that was taking over my coffetable, sales and media emails and walking poor Oni (i say poor because since I've been home doing the biz full time she has reverted to her puppy days of sappy, needy faces-a sad sight for a 7 year old, 70lb lab), I get to go to go to sleep knowing that I continue on my way, with a bigger foot in a magazine's door and footsteps in stores nationwide. That calls for a smile!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Today was harsh…Although it was a beautiful day outside, I went nowhere because I had tons to do indoors. It’s okay. When my empire is built and I have enough money to hire all the staff in the world, it’ll be worth the carpal tunnel and the flawed vision caused by unending hours on the computer in the name of my biz. I hear St. Martin’s doesn’t mind visitors with achy wrists and glasses who lounge all day and sip on drinks with umbrellas in them ;-)
OK so today wasn’t that horribly harsh. I did ID 40 new stores that could carry my line (they’ll all be getting a nice postcard from moi this week in the mail) and I did ID some stores to visit outside the DC area next week for some sales calls. I baked 6 plantains today and I’m trying to convince myself that is normal- (6 plantains for 2 people=a lot of damn plantains). And let’s not forget I rid the kitchen table of store listings, postcards, coupons, and biz files so hubby and I can have dinner (yes plantains were included). I would definitely count that as an accomplishment.
This week is going to be jam-packed with biz plan finalizing, sales calls, media outreach, resuming designing the Spring line, and doing another mailing. But Tis the life of a biz owner and I wouldn’t have it any other way. At least this time I am licking stamps for my mailing, and no one else’s.